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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Designing Flow-Through Rockfill Underdrains in Unpredictable Climates
- Improving Efficiencies in Collecting 20-Year-Old Undisturbed Soil in Alaska
- 3D Block Modelling of Tailings Dams
- Calculating Passive Treatment of Effluent in Constructed Wetlands
- Employee Spotlight – Eugene Cheung
- Could “Smart” Bridges Be the Way of The Future?
- Portable Light Percussion Drilling: A Practical Solution for Challenging Site Conditions
- Decision Analysis: A Structured Approach to Improving Project Success
- Employee Spotlight – Matthew Forbes
- Selecting a Gridding Algorithm for Geology or Ground Models
- Drones Support BC’s Emergency Flood Response
- Employee Spotlight – Jim Heaslop
- Drone and Remote Sensing Capabilities at KCB
- Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Use of Drones at Harmony’s Hidden Valley Mine
- History of Tailings Dam Design
- Klohn Crippen Berger Participates in Consultation on Draft Global Tailings Standard
- Hydroelectric Dams – Providing Clean Energy Solutions for British Columbia
- Rehabilitation of Harvie Passage After Flood Damage
- Seismic Retrofit of a 110-year Old Railway Bridge
- Safeguarding Embankment Dams
- Tailings Dam Surveillance Technology – KCB’s Experience
- Tailings Dam Breach Runout Assessment
- Digital Field Data Collection – KCB’s Experience
- Using Drones in Engineering Projects
- Study of Tailings Management Technologies
- Effectiveness of Geomembranes in Tailings Storage Facilities
- Geotechnical Factor of Safety and Risk
- Sustainability by Design
- Launching a Steel Arch Bridge with a King Post
- Static Liquefaction and Strength Loss in Tailings Dams
- Project-in-Focus: Designing Suspension Bridges on the Sea to Sky Trail
- Bioengineering Case Study: Riverdale Avenue Retaining Wall Replacement
- Project-in-Focus: Mayerthorpe Rail Bridge Replacement
- KCB Completes Study of Tailings Management Technologies for MEND
- Best Practices for Tailings Dam Design
- Research Update on Geomembranes at Tailings Storage Facilities
- Category: Company News
- Category: Hydropower
- Category: Infrastructure
- Category: Mining
- Category: Transportation
- Category: Uncategorized
- Geotechnics MSc Industrial Bursary Scheme
- Sheri Plewes Scholarship for Women in Engineering
- Klohn Crippen Berger Undergraduate Scholarship in Civil Engineering or Geology
- Earle Klohn Graduate Scholarship in Geotechnical Engineering
- UNBC – Klohn Crippen Berger Award
- The Klohn Crippen Berger Scholarship in Memory of Walter Shukin
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- Vedder Bridge Replacement
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- Cuenca
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- Belo Horizonte
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- Vancouver
- Design and Construction of the Hamata Tailings Dam, Hidden Valley Mine, Papua New Guinea
- Study of Tailings Management Technologies
- Challenges with Upstream Tailings Dams
- Mine Waste Geochemistry for Engineers
- Diversion Tunnel Orifices for Energy Dissipation During Reservoir Filling – Site C Clean Energy Project
- University of Toronto, Civil Engineering Department
- Quantification of Impact of Tailings Aging on Accuracy of Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Water and Chemical Balance Modelling, Sustainable Minerals Institute
- GeoEngineering Centre, Queen’s University
- NSERC/Hydro-Quebec Industrial Research Chair in Life Cycle Optimization for Embankment Dams, Laval University
- Mini Calibration Chamber, Australian Centre for Geomechanics and University of Western Australia
Technical Papers
- Challenges in Selection of Ground Motions and Time Histories: A Geotechnical Engineer’s Perspective
- Characteristics, Kinematics and Contributing Factors of Compound and Translational Landslides in the Interior Plains of Canada
- Estimating Floor Design Spectra at the Top of a Dam Using Dam Response Spectrum Analysis Results
- New San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: Construction Challenges Solved with Innovative Multi-Faced Foundations in Franciscan Bedrock.
- Diversion Tunnel Orifices for Energy Dissipation During Reservoir Filling at Site C
- Technology Isn’t Everything: A Framework for Developing a Successful Dam Surveillance Program
- Dam Breach Tailings Runout Modelling for Inactive/Closed Tailings Storage Facility
- Projecting Changes to Future Extreme Precipitation Events for the Design of Tailings Facilities
- The use and limitations of modern technologies for slow, vegetated landslide monitoring – Chin Coulee Landslide
- PMP and PMF Estimates in Alberta and Saskatchewan: Initial Review
- Strength Characteristics of Pleistocene Clay Deposits in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
- Soil Profiling of Pleistocene Deposits in the Athabasca Oil Sands using SCPTu
- History of Genesee Cooling Pond Dykes
- Cold Weather Cracking of a Dyke Crest
- Site Development and Foundation Planning for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
- Seismic Retrofit Design of a 110-year Old Railway Bridge Founded on Liquefiable Soils Using Large Diameter Driven Piles
- A Consequence-Based Tailings Dam Safety Framework
- Influence of Fines Content on Cyclic Resistance through the Critical State Framework
- Estimating current and historical groundwater abstraction from the Great Artesian Basin and other regional-scale aquifers in Queensland, Australia
- The Effect of Surface Roughness and Shear Rate During Fall-Cone Calibration
- Safeguard Embankment Dam Safety
- CDA Technical Bulletin on Tailings Dam Breach Analyses
- Comparative Analysis of the Post-Liquefaction Shear Strength of Cyclone Tailings based on SCPTu and Laboratory Testing
- Geotechnical characterization of igneous saprolite using the Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPTu) from a jungle site in South America
- From Reclamation to Relinquishment: Is this an Achievable Goal in British Columbia?
- First Nation Integration in Rural and Remote Construction Projects: a Bella Bella Case Study
- An Unknown-Unknown Does in an Overpass: A Soil Stockpile on Soft Clay Is Too Much for a Bridge in Canada
- Challenges in Assessing a Hydraulic Fill Dam Built in the 1920s for Liquefaction and Piping Potential
- Site C Clean Energy Project, Design Overview
- Cycloned Copper Tailings Sands: Practical Methods for Benchmarking Design Parameters
- Field Observations from Saprolite Test Fills in High Rainfall Locations
- Comparison of Pile Foundations and Ground Improvement for Reduction of Seismic Displacements for a Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Influence of Fines Content on Interpretation of the CPT Tip Resistance for Liquefaction Assessment in Mine Tailings
- Void Backfill Design for a Steeply Dipping Coal-mine Void Below a Highway in Canmore, Alberta
- Digitizing Field Data Collection and Facilitating Inspections – Our Experience
- Life-of-Mine Spillway Strategy: Managing Surface Water Risks at a Tailings Storage Facility
- Effectiveness of Geomembrane Liners in Minimizing Seepage in Tailings Storage Facilities: New Knowledge
- Explicit Estimation of Rock Slope Failure Likelihood for Hazard Assessment and Safety Engineering near Canmore, AB
- Screening of Bridge Sites in Ontario for Liquefaction Susceptibility
- Coarse Tailings Sand Densification By Dozer Packing
- Environmental Consequence Classification of Mine Dam Failures: Updating the Canadian Classification System
- Challenges in Geoseismic Upgrade of Bridges in the Fraser Delta, BC, Canada
- Geotechnical Seismic Retrofit of Mission Bridge, British Columbia, Canada
- Challenges in the Selection and Scaling of Records for Seismic Analyses: A Geotechnical Engineer’s Perspective
- Equivalent Number of Uniform Cycles Versus Earthquake Magnitude Relationships for Fine-grained Soils
- An Approach to Dam Safety Assessment
- Site C Clean Energy Project Diversion Tunnel Orifices for Energy Dissipation During Reservoir Filling
- Filtered Tailings Disposal Case History: Operation and Design Considerations Part II
- Site C Clean Energy Project General Hydraulic Features
- Current and Historical Water Use Estimation for the GAB, Queensland
- GAB Aquifer Attribution Process
- Filtered Tailings Disposal Case History: Operation and Design Considerations Part I
- Evergreen Line Performance Based Design – An Owner’s and Designer’s Perspective
- Creative Construction Method for an Attractive Tied Arch
- Roller Compacted Concrete Buttress at the Site C Clean Energy Project
- Reflection On Some 21st Century Earthquakes
- Tailings Dam Design – Technology Update (ICOLD bulletin)
- Site Characterization for Dam Foundations
- Rosedale Overhead: Functional Upgrades, Structural Rehabilitation and Seismic Retrofit
- Design and Launch of the Vedder Bridge
- Generating Synthetic Climate Data for Design that Match Natural Trends
- Characterization of a Complex Soil Foundation
- The Consideration of Seepage-Rock Interactions on Long Term Dam Stability
- Drilling for Studies in Remote Locations
- The Hamata Tailings Dam Design and Construction at the Hidden Valley Mine in Papua New Guinea
- Geotechnical Characterization of Residual Soils from Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks at Three Sites in South America
- Study of Tailings Management Technologies: MEND Report 2.50.1
- Compaction Grouting as Part of Seismic Retrofit of Two Bridges in British Columbia, Canada
- Micropile Solutions for Construction of SAS Span of the New San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
- Modulus Reduction and Damping Curves for Soils Under Simple Shear
- Transferring regional calibrated groundwater model to local model for engineering design using MODFLOW USG
- The Benefit of Early Planning and Stakeholder Engagement in Groundwater Monitoring
- The Reliance on Engineering Judgement to Inform Tailings Dam Failure Impact Assessments
- Equivalent-Linear Seismic Response of Bridge Approach Embankments
- Pitwall Design and Performance at Suncor North Steepbank Extension Mine
- Deltaport Berth 3 Design and Construction Challenges
- Laboratory Testing to Optimize Filter Design for Dispersive Clay
- Tailings Dams: Failure Impact Assessment Framework
- History of Tailings Dam Design, Innovation, and Practice Changes Required in the Wake of the Mount Polley Mine Tailings Breach
- Are Filter Tailings Practical for a High Production Mine in a Cold, Wet Climate?
- Geotechnical Characterisation of a Tropical Residual Soil in an Embankment Abutment
- Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Ground Improvements
- Leakage through Holes in Geomembranes below Saturated Tailings
- Managing Knowledge Loss Over the Life of Mine: Opportunities and Challenges
- Kettle Falls Railway Ground Hazard Relative Risk Assessment
- Seismic Deformation Assessment of a Dam Founded on Low Plastic Fine- Grained Soils under Strong Earthquake Shaking
- Historical Aerial Photographs and Digital Photogrammetry Techniques to Investigate the Development and Evolution of the Chin Coulee Landslide in Alberta
- Seismic Displacement Assessment of New Facilities for Post-Disaster Operation at a Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Estimating Current and Historical Groundwater Abstraction from the Great Artesian Basin and other Regional-Scale Aquifers in Queensland, Australia
- Filtered Tailings Facilities and Upset Conditions
- Performance-Based Seismic Analysis of Embankments with DSM Grid-Type Foundation Improvement
- Inter-Aquifer Connectivity between Australia’s Great Artesian Basin and the Overlying Condamine Alluvium: An Assessment and its Implications for the Basin’s Groundwater Management
- Validating Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Dam-Foundation-Reservoir System with Foundation Cyclic Symmetry
- UAVs for Monitoring, Investigation and Mitigation Design of a Rock Slope with Multiple Failure Mechanisms – A Case Study
- Characterisation of a Rock Slope Showing Three Weather-Dominated Failure Modes
- Modelling Hydrological Performance of a Bauxite Residue Profile for Deposition Management of a Storage Facility
- A Synthesized Approach for Seismic and Post-Seismic Performance of a Dumped Rockfill Dam with a Shotcrete Face
- Leveraging Historical Aerial Photographs and Digital Photogrammetry Techniques for Landslide Investigation – A Practical Perspective.
- Rainy River Secondment
- Bowness Flood Barrier Project
- Women’s Coulee Diversion Project
- Outside Battery Limits Geotechnical Engineering Support
- McGregor Shoreline Protection
- Aitik TSF Tailings Investigaton
- Esterhazy 2022 TMA Installs
- Morrison Dam Spillway Upgrades
- Alberta Southern Region Geohazard Risk Management Program
- Crooked Lake Water Control Structure Replacement
- Lashburn Phase 3 Ext Rail
- Alberta Central Region Geohazard Risk Management Program
- Klein Lake Dam
- Killam South Sour Gas Plant
- Coal Lake Dam
- Chin Res Environmental
- Brazeau Dam Power Canal Dykes Dynamic Analysis
- Alameda Dam Rehabilitation Assessment
- Hanson Ranch
- ECP Design & Construction
- Stormwater Outfall Upgrades
- Ore Preparation Plant Mechanically Stabilized Earth Instruction Supervision
- Stormwater Outfall F7 Rehabilitation
- Riverdale Avenue Flood Mitigation
- Gardiner Dam
- La Truchas In-Pit Tailings and Waste Rock Storage
- QR Mine
- Equity Mine
- Reedy Creek Injection Bore Installation
- Northern Territory Operations TSF Engineer of Record
- BHP Mitsubishi Alliance TSF Characterization
- NSW Groundwater Sampling Program
- Sarawak Bundwall-Haulage Road Design
- Mount Tom Price Mine TSF
- Yarwun TSF
- Amrun TSF
- Hidden Valley Hamata TSF
- Ok Tedi Mill Pond Construction
- Cuajone Mine
- Las Bambas Mine
- Trapiche Project
- Tantahuatay Mine
- Romina Mine
- Arcata Mine
- Pallancata Mine
- Cajamarquilla Project
- Toroparu Project
- Sipan Mine
- Antamina Mine
- Itabira Mining Complex
- Alumar Project
- Forquilha Mine
- Germano Mining Complex
- Serra Azul Mine
- Vazante Mine
- Curipamba Project
- Fruta del Norte Project
- Balambano Dam
- Highway 570 Landslide Response
- St. Mary LLO Valve Replacement
- Glenmore Dam
- Animon Mine Environmental Impact Assessment Modification
- Special Areas Water Supply Project
- Kwakiutl Creek Upper and Lower Dams
- Greens Creek Mine
- Ok Tedi Gold Mine
- Australia Pacific LNG Project
- Railway Protection Structures
- Highland Valley Copper Mine
- Jackpine Mine
- Geotechnical Investigation of the Mount Polley Dam
- Hangingstone SAGD Demonstration
- Salmon River Diversion Dam
- Little Bow Reservoir
- Hidden Valley Mine
- Waneta Expansion Project – Sturgeon Exclusion Equipment
- Calgary Rivers Morphology and Fish Habitat Study
- Site C Clean Energy Project
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
- Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project
- McGregor Reservoir
- Harvie Passage
- Esquimalt Graving Dock
- Seymour Falls Dam Seismic Upgrade
- Lions Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit
- Snoqualmie Falls Redevelopment
- Mayerthorpe Rail Bridge Replacement
News & Events
- Chris Strachotta Promoted to VP, Corporate Strategy and Business Development
- Klohn Crippen Berger Reaches 15-Year Milestone as a Best Managed Company
- Bob Chambers and Mary-Jane Piggott Win 2023 CIM Awards
- KCB Staff Honoured as EIC Fellows at Annual Awards Galas for 2023
- KCB Wins 2023 CEA Award of Excellence
- Joseph Quinn Appointed Vice President, Alberta
- David Mack Inducted as a 2023 EIC Fellow (FEIC)
- Chris Gräpel appointed as Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta
- Klohn Crippen Berger Recognized as Canada’s Safest Mining & Natural Resources Employer for 2022
- Michael Cyr announced as CDA President at 2022 Conference and Tradeshow
- KCB Australia Named a 2022 Employer of Choice
- Klohn Crippen Berger is one of BIV’s Fastest Growing Companies for 2022
- Klohn Crippen Berger congratulates Newest Principals & Associates for 2022
- Dr. Louis Kirsten Featured in August 2022 Issue of Australian Mining Review
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named to PSMJ 2022 Circle of Excellence
- Klohn Crippen Berger announces retirement of Tom Murray
- KCB Chair Brian T. Rogers Retires after 30 Years
- Klohn Crippen Berger congratulates 2022 Principal & Associates
- Klohn Crippen Berger abre nueva oficina en Ecuador
- Klohn Crippen Berger Opens New Office in Ecuador
- Klohn Crippen Berger Wins 2022 ACECBC Award of Engineering Excellence
- 14 Years in a Row – Klohn Crippen Berger Retains Best Managed Status
- Klohn Crippen Berger Announces Retirement of Vice President, Technical, Dr. Alex Sy, P.Eng.
- Klohn Crippen Berger nomeia Dan Etheredge como novo vice-presidente da América Latina
- Klohn Crippen Berger nombra a Dan Etheredge como nuevo Vicepresidente, América Latina
- Klohn Crippen Berger appoints Dan Etheredge as New Vice President, Latin America
- Mary-Jane Piggott Named Vice President, Mining Environmental Group
- Bob Chambers Named Vice President, Technical
- Klohn Crippen Berger Celebrates Two CEA Awards at 25th Annual Showcase Awards Gala
- Claire Kent Elected as IAH Queensland President
- Simon Douglas Appointed as Vice President, Power & Transportation
- Ryan Douglas Appointed New President of Klohn Crippen Berger
- Brian Rogers Inducted as 2022 EIC Fellow
- Andrew Hovey Featured in The Australian Mining Review
- Michael Cyr appointed as New CDA Vice President
- Klohn Crippen Berger Wins Employer of Choice in The Australian Business Awards 2021
- Andrew Witte Joins MAC Tailings Working Group
- Klohn Crippen Berger is one of BC’s Fastest Growing Companies for 2021
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named to PSMJ Circle of Excellence for 13th Year
- Klohn Crippen Berger Supports Equitable Access to Vaccines with COVAX Donation
- Brian Rogers receives 2021 Calgary Geotechnical Society (CyGS) Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger Congratulates New 2021 Associates
- Klohn Crippen Berger Wins Axiom Business Book Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger Supports BURN Jikokoa Cookstoves in Kenya
- Klohn Crippen Berger is Carbon Neutral for 2021
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Andy Small receives EIC Fellowship
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Andy Small Featured in CIM Magazine
- Bill Chin Awarded Canadian Dam Association Peter Halliday Award for Service
- Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Klohn Crippen Berger Mourns Passing of Dr. Raymond Benson
- Klohn Crippen Berger Releases 2019-2020 Sustainability Report
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named to PSMJ’s Circle of Excellence for 12th Consecutive Year
- Klohn Crippen Berger Release Book on 70-Year Legacy
- Klohn Crippen Berger Congratulates 2020 Principals and Associates
- Klohn Crippen Berger Expands Presence in Australia
- Kate Patterson Receives CIM-Bedford Young Mining Leaders Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Harvey McLeod featured in May/June Issue of GEOSTRATA
- Klohn Crippen Berger Supports Aqua Clara Water Purification Project in Kenya
- Klohn Crippen Berger Proud to Support Cookstoves Project in Ghana
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s CEO and President Len Murray Appointed EIC Fellow
- Klohn Crippen Berger develops Emergency Shutdown Technical Guideline for Tailings Dams
- Klohn Crippen Berger COVID-19 Response Plan
- Klohn Crippen Berger Among the Top 10 Biggest Engineering Firms in B.C.
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 12th Year
- Klohn Crippen Berger Celebrates 70 Years
- Klohn Crippen Berger Receives 2020 CEA Awards
- Klohn Crippen Berger Participates in Consultation on Draft Global Tailings Standard
- Klohn Crippen Berger Moves to a New Location in Toronto
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Air Travel in 2020 Will Be Carbon Neutral
- Mike Chin Appointed Manager of Transportation
- Mary-Jane Piggott Interviewed for Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology Podcast
- Len Murray and Garry Stevenson each receive an EIC Fellowship
- Harvey McLeod Receives Recognition Award from Canadian Dam Association
- Highway 407 East Phase 2 Project Given Substantial Completion Certificate
- Klohn Crippen Berger Recognized as Best Managed Companies BC Finalist for 12th Year
- Rehabilitation of Harvie Passage After Flood Damage
- KCB Opens New Office in Nanaimo, B.C.
- KCB’s Work on BC Hydropower Dams Mentioned in ACEC-BC Engineering Supplement
- KCB Wins Silver at 2019 Canada’s Safest Employers Awards
- Go ENG Girl Event Sponsored by Klohn Crippen Berger
- Bruce Hamersley Awarded Engineers Canada Fellowship
- Alex Sy Receives G. Geoffrey Meyerhof Award
- Seismic Retrofit of a 110-year Old Railway Bridge
- KCB Proud to Sponsor Geotechnical Society of Edmonton Presentation
- KCB Recognized as an Employer of Choice at the 2019 Australian Business Awards
- Kate Patterson Joins Board of North American Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society
- KCB one of the Top-performing Engineering Firms on PSMJ 2019 Circle of Excellence
- Klohn Crippen Berger Releases 2018-2019 Sustainability Report
- Congratulations to Len Murray on Completing Directors Education Program
- KCB Pleased to Announce Appointment of New Associates
- Klohn Crippen Berger Receives Engineers and Geoscientists B.C. Accredited Employer Member-in-Training Program Certification
- KCB’s Vancouver Lab Selected to Participate in Research at University of Western Australia
- KCB Moves to a New Location in Lima, Peru
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 11th Year
- Klohn Crippen Berger Opens Office in New Brunswick
- Klohn Crippen Berger Opens New Office in York, UK
- Alex Sy Appointed Adjunct Professor at University of Toronto
- KCB Recognized as Best Managed Companies BC Finalist for 11th Year
- Len Murray Receives 2018 BC CEO Award
- Garry Stevenson Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
- KCB Presented with Special Recognition at PSMJ THRIVE 2018
- Join us at 3rd Annual Mines and Technology London
- Join us at DFI 43rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations
- KCB Wins Silver at 2018 Canada’s Safest Employers Awards
- Vedder Bridge Replacement Project Wins Design-Build Award of Excellence
- Alex Sy to Present CGS Cross Canada Lecture Tour
- Garry Stevenson to Receive TAC Lifetime Achievement Award
- Ryan Douglas Appointed Vice President, Power & Transportation
- KCB Recognized as an Employer of Choice at the 2018 Australian Business Awards
- KCB Named to PSMJ’s Circle of Excellence for 10th Consecutive Year
- Len Murray Receives 2018 BC CEO Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger Releases 2017 Sustainability Report
- KCB’s Women-in-Klohn Group Celebrate International Women in Engineering Day 2018
- Suspension Bridges on the Sea to Sky Trail Mentioned in CCE Magazine
- KCB Opens New Office in Phoenix
- Launching a Steel Arch Bridge with a King Post
- Join us at Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium
- Congratulations to Our 2018 New Principal and Associates
- KCB Partners with Several Universities to Fund Research and Innovation
- Meet Our Team at CIM 2018 Convention
- Bill Chin Inducted as a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada
- KCB Opens Project Office in Ecuador
- Vedder Bridge Project Mentioned in Local Newspaper
- Static Liquefaction and Strength Loss in Tailings Dams
- KCB Receives ACEC-BC Awards of Merit for Vedder Bridge Replacement and Salmon River Diversion Projects
- Professional Practice Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Bridges in British Columbia
- On-Site Training: Groundwater Modeling with Visual MODFLOW Flex
- KCB Mentioned in Spring 2018 Issue of CDA Bulletin
- Project-in-Focus: Designing Suspension Bridges on the Sea to Sky Trail
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 10th Year
- Women-in-Klohn Group Receives Alberta Women in Sciences Network Award
- Meet Our Team at CEATI 2018
- Jordan Brandenburg Receives Young Professional Award
- KCB Receives Consulting Engineers of Alberta Award of Merit
- KCB Opening New Office in Phoenix
- Bill Chin receives EIC Fellowship
- David Mack Appointed Vice President, Alberta
- New Geotechnical Soils Laboratory at Lihir
- KCB Recognized as Canada’s Best Managed BC Finalist for 10th Year
- KCB Completes Study of Tailings Management Technologies for MEND
- KCB Supports Imperial College London Bursary
- Mayerthorpe Bridge Replacement Project Wins CCE Award of Excellence
- KCB Receives CDA Corporate Award
- KCB Participates in Workshops at CDA Annual Conference
- KCB is proud to sponsor CGS Cross Canada Lecture Tour
- Join Us at GeoOttawa 2017
- Dr. Tim Keegan part of team that wins Association Québécoise du Transport – Rail Transportation Award
- Harvie Passage Tested by Kayakers
- KCB secures funding for the Australian Government’s Innovation Connections program to support our tailings research
- KCB Named Member of PSMJ’s 2017 Circle of Excellence
- Historical Review of Geotechnical Engineering in Canada
- New Paper by KCB Staff Published in CDA Bulletin
- Harvey McLeod’s 2016 R.M. Hardy Keynote Address Available on YouTube
- Klohn Crippen Berger Releases 2016 Sustainability Report
- New Vedder Bridge is launched across the Chilliwack River in BC
- Field Testing Methods Reduce Lab Testing Costs
- Meet Alex Sy at 13th International Workshop on Micropiles
- KCB Lima Office Weathers the Storm
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2016
- Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in B.C. has been revised
- KCB Awarded Consulting Engineers of Alberta 2017 Showcase Award of Excellence
- Bryan Watts receives the EIC’s K.Y. Lo Medal
- Harvey McLeod receives EIC Fellowship
- KCB receives the PSMJ Circle of Excellence
- Looking for an exciting new challenge?
- Ray Benson named Canadian Tunneller of the Year
- Klohn Crippen Berger recognized as an Employer of Choice at the 2016 Australian Business Awards
- KCB receives Syncrude’s Loss Prevention Award for 2015
- KCB receives Syncrude’s Loss Prevention Award for 2015
- Seabridge aims to build best available tailings pond at KSM
- Harvey McLeod comments on changes to the B.C. Mining Code
- KCB Named to the PSMJ Circle of Excellence
- Meet our team at HydroVision International
- Mount Polley – the Aftermath
- KCB to undertake the detailed design and engineering certification for the Amrun Project Tailings Facility
- Louis Berger names Dr. Ernest Portfors as new chairman
- Congratulations to our new 2016 Principals and Associates
- Emil Anderson Construction/Klohn Crippen Berger Awarded Vedder Bridge Replacement Project
- Klohn Crippen Berger Releases 2015 Sustainability Report
- Tom Murray honoured by the Calgary Geotechnical Society
- Symposium in Honor of I.M. Idriss
- Women-in-Klohn Group Wins APEGA Women in Engineering and Geoscience Champion Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger Mourns Founder Cyril Edel Leonoff
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies
- Harvey McLeod to chair an international gathering of experts to explore risk in mining
- Klohn Crippen Berger Attends RoundUp 2016
- KCB-Hatch team awarded BC Hydro Water Retention and Conveyance Structures Program
- Welcome to delegates attending the Tailings & Mine Waste Conference!
- KCB to fund research with the Sustainable Minerals Institute
- Join Us at RemTech 2015
- Greg Noack appointed Chair of the CDA Mining Dams Committee
- 2015 Published Paper Award of Excellence Presented to Klohn Crippen Berger Team
- The APEG Foundation Accepting Applications for Sheri Plewes Scholarship for Women
- Join us at GEOQuébec 2015
- KCB kicks off the Calgary Corporate Challenge
- KCB named a National Safety Awards Finalist
- 2015 Australian Business Awards Employer of Choice: Klohn Crippen Berger
- KCB named to the Zweig Group Hot Firm List
- Snoqualmie Falls Renovation Project Receives Top EIC Award
- KCB named to the PSMJ Circle of Excellence
- KCB to undertake the preliminary design for the rehabilitation of Harvie Passage
- KCB to work on the design of the Bassano Dam emergency spillway
- KCB releases its 2014 Sustainability Report
- Alex Sy receives the 2015 VGS Award
- A modular approach to modelling water flow and quality
- KCB is pleased to announce the following company appointments
- KCB is proud to sponsor Mine Closure 2015
- Alex Sy honoured by the Engineering Institute of Canada
- Alex Sy honoured by the Engineering Institute of Canada
- KCB receives ACEC-BC Award of Merit
- KCB Celebrates Going Platinum
- Dr. Alex Sy Inducted as a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada
- Klohn Crippen Berger Achieves Platinum Status with Canada’s Best Managed Companies
- Klohn Crippen Berger President, Len Murray, speaks with Business in Vancouver 2015 outlook
- Klohn Crippen Berger Staff Serve It Up Right at the Mustard Seed
- Klohn Crippen Berger Participates in Commentary on Tailings Dam Failures
- Klohn Crippen Berger Attending UBC Engineering Career Fair
- Klohn Crippen Berger celebrates 5 years at ZweigWhite Hot Firm
- Klohn Crippen Berger Joins The Great BC ShakeOut
- Klohn Crippen Berger is proud to sponsor the 2014 CDA Conference
- Klohn Crippen Berger Completes OQM Audit for 2014
- Klohn Crippen Berger is proud to sponsor GeoRegina 2014
- Klohn Crippen Berger takes on the 2014 Calgary Corporate Challenge
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Shirley McLaren talks Quality in this month’s issue of CCE Magazine
- Klohn Crippen Berger Team Completes 24 Hour of Adrenaline Race
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to the ZweigWhite Hot Firm List for 2014
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to the 2014 PSMJ Circle of Excellence
- Klohn Crippen Berger Announces 2014 Company Appointments
- Klohn Crippen Berger releases 2013 Sustainability Report
- Klohn Crippen Berger staff show support for Calgary Humane Society
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Bryan Watts receives 2014 Vancouver Geotechnical Society Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Snoqualmie Falls hydropower project honored with USSD award
- 2014 NAOSH Week: Klohn Crippen Berger Celebrates Health and Safety
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Alex Sy Joins the ASFE Board of Directors
- Klohn Crippen Berger is proud to sponsor WaterTech 2014
- Klohn Crippen Berger receives Award of Excellence for Quality Management Systems
- Klohn Crippen Berger is a proud sponsor of CWRA Alberta Branch Annual Conference
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Harvey McLeod honoured for excellence in social and environmental responsibility
- Klohn Crippen Berger Searches for New Talent at UBC Engineering Career Fair
- Klohn Crippen Berger is proud to support the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race
- Klohn Crippen Berger receives the PSMJ Circle of Excellence Platinum Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger Appoints Len Murray as New Company President
- Klohn Crippen Berger kicks off 2013 United Way Campaign
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of BC’s Top 25 Exporters for 2013
- Klohn Crippen Berger kicks off the 2013 Calgary Corporate Challenge
- Klohn Crippen Berger Pioneer, Earle J. Klohn, passes away at the age of 85
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to 2013 Zweig Letter Hot Firm List
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to the PSMJ Circle of Excellence for 2013
- Klohn Crippen Berger moves to a new location in Perth, Australia
- Klohn Crippen Berger ‘s Robin FitzGerald Profiled in The Irish Times
- Klohn Crippen Berger continues international expansion with Brazil office
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Shane Johnson Elected to ACEC BC Board of Directors
- Klohn Crippen Berger Awarded Award of Excellence for 52nd Street S.E. Widening Project
- Klohn Crippen Berger employees step up to the challenge to raise funds for a village in Copan
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Bill Chin honoured by Calgary Geotechnical Society
- Klohn Crippen Berger staff run in honour of the Fallen 4
- Klohn Crippen Berger Top Fundraiser for Mining for Miracles Slo-Pitch Tournament
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Alberta’s Best Workplaces
- Klohn Crippen Berger Participate raise money for Honduras village
- Klohn Crippen Berger is proud to sponsor 21st CSCE Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference
- Klohn Crippen Berger establishes new graduate scholarship at the University of Alberta
- Klohn Crippen Berger’s Kate Brand Receives Queensland Resources Council Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger retains its standing as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies
- Edmonton Office Moves Location
- Klohn Crippen Berger Makes Zweig Letter 2012 Hot Firm List
- Klohn Crippen Berger Awarded CCE Award of Excellence for 2012
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of BC’s Top 25 Exporters for 2012
- Sudbury Moves to a New Location
- Klohn Crippen Berger opens a new office in Toronto, Ontario
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to the PSMJ Circle of Excellence for 2012
- Klohn Crippen Berger named UBC Engineering Co-op Employer of the Year
- Klohn Crippen Berger Awarded Gold Standard as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies
- Klohn Crippen Berger receives Two Awards of Excellence for the Bow River Weir Project
- Klohn Crippen Berger presents $60,000 scholarship to the University of Calgary
- Klohn Crippen Berger Makes ZweigWhite 2011 Hot Firm List
- Klohn Crippen Berger selected as finalist for 2011 BC Exporters Awards
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to 2011 PSMJ Circle of Excellence
- Klohn Crippen Berger Awarded New project for Work on Little Bow Reservoir
- Klohn Crippen Berger Designed Bridge In The News This Week
- Klohn Crippen Berger retains standing as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies
- Klohn Crippen Berger Wins Gold for Antamina Mine
- Klohn Crippen Berger receives 2010 Canadian Consulting Engineering Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger has been named in The Zweig Letter 2010 Hot Firm List
- Klohn Crippen Berger Announces 2010 Company Appointments
- Klohn Crippen Berger Team awarded 2010 Alberta Premier’s Award of Excellence
- Klohn Crippen Berger named to PSMJ Circle of Excellence for 2010
- Nam Theun 2 Hydro Project Receives CEBC Award of Merit
- Klohn Crippen Berger Showcases Commitment to Sustainable Development
- Klohn Crippen Berger Awarded Top 25 Exporter for 2009 from BC Export
- Ecomark Joins Klohn Crippen Berger in Alberta, Canada
- Klohn Crippen Berger Named One of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies
- Klohn Crippen Berger Receives Two Awards of Excellence from Canadian Consulting Engineers
- Klohn Crippen Berger acquires Calgary Civil Engineering Firm Mack, Slack & Associates
- Klohn Crippen Berger Chairman, Ernest Portfors, Wins 2007 CEBC Meritorious Achievement Award
- Klohn Crippen Berger: Work Underway Fort Hills Project
- Klohn Crippen Berger Begins Construction on World’s Largest Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge
- IEG Joins Klohn Crippen Berger
Team Members
- Andrew Witte, P.Eng., M.Eng.
- Michael Cyr, P.Eng.
- Carlos Diaz, P.Eng.
- Robert Cross, P.Eng., P.Geo.
- Benicio Junior, P.Eng.
- Kathryn Ekman, P.Eng.
- Shirley McLaren, M.Sc.
- Andrew Port, P.Eng.
- Tim Keegan Ph.D., P.Eng.
- Simon Douglas, P.Eng.
- Steve Ahlfield, P.Eng.
- Mary-Jane Piggott P.Eng., MBA
- Rick Friedel, P.Eng., P.E.
- Dan Etheredge, MBA
- Warren Vincent-Lambert, P.Geo.
- Joseph Quinn Ph.D., P.Geo., P.Eng
- Dan Campbell, P.Eng.
- Brent Usher Ph.D., RPGeo.
- Chuck Slack, P.Eng.
- Bill Chin, P.Eng.
- Chris Strachotta, RPGeo.
- Chelsea Seaby
- Pamela Fines, P.Eng.
- Joel Hilderman, P.Eng
- Stuart Forbes, C.A.
- Harvey McLeod, P.Eng., P.Geo.
- Chris Langton, P. Geol.
- David Mack, P. Eng.
- Bob Chambers, P. Eng.
- Ryan Douglas, P.Eng., P.E.
- Brian Rogers M.Sc., P. Eng.
- Len Murray, P. Eng.