June 19, 2014

Bryan Watts, KCB Chairman of the Board and CEO, was presented with the VGS Award at the 22
nd VGS Symposium held June 13. The award is bestowed on a member of the Vancouver Geotechnical Society who has contributed in a significant manner to the VGS, or the practice of geotechnique or geoenvironmental practice in the Vancouver area.
Alex Sy, a Principal at KCB, presented the award to Bryan and also to a second recipient, Ray Stewart, a former employee of Klohn Leonoff, who later worked for BC Hydro. Both gentlemen received a plaque and a lifetime membership to the society.
Bryan follows in the footsteps of company founders Charles Ripley, Earl Klohn and Cyril Leonoff who have all been honoured with the Vancouver Geotechnical Society Award.