June 12, 2013

The 52nd Street S.E. Road Widening Project received an Award of Excellence from the Alberta Chapter of the American Concrete Institute at an awards ceremony held in Kananaskis on May 3st.
The project won in the bridges category for work done on grade separation and road widening between 94 Avenue and 106 Avenue S.E. KCB was proud to be recognized as a member of the project team along with The City of Calgary, AECOM, Graham Construction Ltd, Lafarge, Burnco, RECo and ARMTEC.
Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB) undertook the geotechnical investigations, preliminary design, and detailed design of the deep underground utilities and provided tender and construction support for all three phases of the project. The project involved the widening of approximately 5 km of 52 Street SE (from Glenmore Trial to 106 Avenue SE and from 114 Avenue SE to 130 Avenue SE), upgrading connecting roads, and the construction of a new bridge over the Western Headworks (WH) Canal and the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway, for which the project won the ACI award. KCB was involved in the project since 2006 and provided the following services:
- Geotechnical investigations for bridge and MSE wall foundation design and provision of geotechnical services throughout construction.
- Environmental investigations and assessment.
- Design of a stormwater management system for the local area, which included: hydrological and hydraulic modeling to meet a 1980 moratorium limit of discharge to the WH Canal; a new storage duct along 52 Street SE; the new 54 Street SE stormwater pond; reverse grading of a section of 2100 mm diameter sewer with fibre reinforced concrete; abandonment of the old outfall to the WH Canal; and reporting.
- Preliminary and detailed design of utility realignments (including design of: stormwater and sanitary sewers, cast-in-place manholes; realigned watermains; and the realigned digested sludge forcemain), abandonment of deep utilities using Cematrix cellular concrete; and general staging of the works.
- Design and installation support with Complete Crossings Inc. of a Horizontal Directionally Drilled (HDD) section of the realigned sludge forcemain under the WH Canal and CP Rail.
- Preparation of tender documents and provision of support during the tender stage.
- Construction monitoring and support (including inspections of cast-in-place concrete structures, attendance at regular construction meetings, providing responses to RFIs, and providing technical support).
- Preparation of construction record drawings.
- Liaison with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and Canadian Pacific Rail.
The new bridge over the WH Canal and CPR was re-opened to the public on September 29, 2012.
Photo: Front Row (left to right) - Kimberly Kilborn (AECOM), Erin Dvorak (CofC TI), Mihaela Radu (AECOM), Rob Cheetham (KCB), Bill Nosworthy (AECOM)
Back Row (left to right) - Desmond Nije (AECOM), Charmaine Buhler (CofC TI), Bill Demers (RECo), Dennis Bischoff (ARMTEC), Marionir Da Silva zs (CofC TI and PM)