Go ENG Girl Event Sponsored by Klohn Crippen Berger

October 22, 2019
KCB was a sponsor of the Go ENG Girl event, which took place Saturday, October 19 in Prince George. Go ENG Girl is a cross-Canada event that encourages girls in Grades 7 – 10 to get interested in engineering. Pamela Fines, P.Eng., one of KCB's Associates and the manager of our Edmonton office, gave a keynote presentation about her career as a geotechnical engineer.
The girls then did a "build", which involved designing a zip line for a rubber duck! There was also a panel discussion during lunch, along with follow-up questions. The young girls had lots of great questions and we hope they will continue being interested in engineering as a possible career.
For more information, see this news article which includes a video of the event: https://ckpgtoday.ca/2019/10/20/go-eng-girl-provides-exposure-to-engineering-for-young-women/