Andrew Hovey Featured in The Australian Mining Review

November 15, 2021
Beginning in 2025, members of The Mineral Council of Australia (MCA) will report on their performance against Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM), a framework that helps mining companies evaluate, manage, and communicate their sustainable practices and achievements. One of the important protocols under TSM is water stewardship. The protocol is particularly important in Australia where sustainably managing water resources is a challenge due to the arid climate.Our Senior Hydrogeologist, Andrew Hovey, spoke with Australian Mining Review about how KCB’s global experience with TSM is helping our clients internationally, and those in Australia, understand and prepare for the new framework and meet the water stewardship protocols.
Read the full interview with Andrew Hovey in the November 2021 issue of The Australian Mining Review.
About Andrew Hovey
Andrew Hovey is a Senior Hydrogeologist at KCB, based in Brisbane, Australia. He has over 20 years’ experience in site investigation, conceptualization, modelling and the management of groundwater and surface water for projects in North America, Europe and Australia and Oceania.