Join us at DFI 43rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations

October 23, 2018

Ali Ghandeharioon, Ph.D, P.Eng., one of KCB's geotechnical engineers, will be giving a presentation on the "Comparison of Pile Foundations and Ground Improvement for Reduction of Seismic Displacements for a Wastewater Treatment Plant". This paper was co-authored with Andrew Port, M.Eng., P.Eng., Manager of KCB's Geostructures Group.
Ali will be presenting on Friday, October 26 in Parallel Session 2: A2 (Seismic Design/Soil Structure Interaction/Lateral Loading) at 4:30 pm.
Presentation Summary
Nonlinear seismic deformation analyses using the finite difference program FLAC were performed for a wastewater treatment plant to estimate foundation displacement and performance of two proposed trickling filters during the 2475-year event design earthquake. The analyses indicate that all the mitigation options considered for limiting the seismic displacements have the potential to provide a comparable level of seismic and post-seismic performance. However, for similar performance levels, the ground improvement options need to extend well beyond the edges of the proposed structures, while the pile foundations option is limited to just beneath the footprint of the structures.
Full conference program: