KCB Featured in the International Journal of Hydropower & Dams
February 19, 2025
KCB is proud to have one of our project projects featured in the latest issue of The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams: The Ituango Intake Repairs in Colombia.

Conventional low-level outlet (LLO) and power intake facilities at dams rely on downstream flow control devices (FCDs) like valves or gates, often without upstream isolation measures. While minor inspections can be performed using divers or ROVs, major repairs, such as addressing corrosion, concrete degradation, or FCD replacement typically require dewatering. Traditional dewatering methods, like lowering reservoir levels or installing cofferdams, may be impractical or costly in deep waters or where watertight conditions cannot be maintained. As an alternative, some facilities are adopting prefabricated underwater plugs to isolate sections of the water conveyance system, enabling repairs without extensive dewatering.
Read more about the recent project applications with various plug sizes, environments, and water depths in the Ituango Intake Repairs in Colombia.
The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams Articles
CDA Article