December 23, 2020

The scope of work for this research project at the
Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Engineering dealt with the "Evaluation of the potential for piping of tailings through a hole into a geomembrane and into the underlying foundation". The research took place over three years and involved the study of liner design for tailings impoundments. The Principal Investigators are
Dr. Kerry Rowe and
Dr. Richard Brachman.
KCB is providing ongoing funding to Queen's University on other research on tailings liner systems, including cold weather applications and aging tests considering tailings geochemistry.
Joshi, P. and H. McLeod. 2018. “Effectiveness of Geomembrane Liners in Minimizing Seepage in Tailings Storage Facilities: New Knowledge,” in Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Large Dams, July 4-6, 2018. Vienna, Austria: International Commission on Large Dams.
Rowe, R.K., Joshi, P., Brachman, R.W I., McLeod, H. 2017. "Leakage Through Holes In Geomembranes Below Saturated Tailings". Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.143(2), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001606.
P. Joshi, R. K. Rowe, R. W. I. Brachman: Physical and hydraulic response of geomembrane wrinkles underlying saturated fine tailings. Geosynthetics International 08/2016; DOI:10.1680/jgein.16.00017
Richard W.I. Brachman, Prabeen Joshi, Kerry Rowe: A new laboratory apparatus for measuring leakage through geomembrane holes beneath mine tailings. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 09/2016; DOI:10.1139/cgj-2016-0333
Joshi, P., Brachman, R.W.I., and Rowe, R.K. (2014) "A new laboratory apparatus for testing geomembrane leakage with mine tailings under large earth and fluid pressures", Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoRegina, Regina. 6p.