Coal Lake Dam

Coal Lake, Alberta

Project Details

Coal Lake Dam is situated at the south end of Coal Lake on Pipestone Creek, 50 km south of Edmonton, Alberta. The dam was constructed in 1973 to regulate downstream flow and to supply water to the city of Wetaskawin. The original Coal Lake outlet structure consisted of a cast-in-place inlet structure, vertical corrugated steel pipe gatewell structure, cast-in-place outlet structure, and 0.76 m diameter steel outlet conduit.

The gate could no longer be operated reliably due to deformation of the gatewell structure, and significant siltation in the reservoir was limiting the capacity of the inlet channel.

Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. (KCB) was awarded the preliminary engineering, final design, tendering, construction and post construction engineering services for the replacement Coal Lake riparian outlet. The replacement structure, located west of the original structure was raised to the elevation of 701.00 m, consists of a reinforced concrete inlet structure, reinforced concrete gatewell structure complete with two slide gates, reinforced concrete outlet structure, and low pressure reinforced concrete pipe.


  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Final Design
  • Tendering
  • Construction and Post Construction

Sustainable Project Attributes

  • Borrow areas were infilled with waste materials and reclaimed.
  • Existing riprap was sorted and re-used to limit new material imported to project site.