Klohn Crippen Berger COVID-19 Response Plan

March 17, 2020
We’ve been closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation since January and continue to strictly follow the guidance and recommendations from applicable health agencies and governments across the world on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Without question, our top priority is the health and well-being of our employees and their families, our clients and our communities. This is an extraordinary time and one that calls for us to support each other as we adapt to an ever-changing social and business climate.
We continue to operate our business and remain committed to serving our clients, while doing our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our COVID-19 Response Team is continuously monitoring the situation and implementing measures in response to changes as they develop.
We acknowledge and thank our employees and clients as they adapt to a rapidly evolving situation. We also recognize and thank the healthcare professionals and public health agencies who are responding and guiding the world through this crisis.