KCB Wins 2024 CEA Award of Excellence & Award of Merit

April 29, 2024
Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB) was recently presented with the Award of Excellence in Community Development for our work on the Downtown Flood Barrier and Public Realm Improvements, Eau Claire Plaza to Riverwalk Project, as well as the Award of Merit in Studies, Software and Special Services for the Geohazard Change Detection Research Project at the 2024 CEA Showcase Awards Gala, Friday, April 26th.
Award of Excellence: Downtown Flood Barrier and Public Realm Improvements, Eau Claire Plaza to Riverwalk
About the Project:

Category: Community Development
As a result of the June 2013 flood event, a flood barrier was constructed from Eau Claire Plaza to Reconciliation Bridge, protecting downtown Calgary during a 1:200 year event. In concert with Calgary’s plans to revitalize the public realm of the downtown core, this critical infrastructure was seamlessly integrated with new public spaces and pathways to improve the south bank of the Bow River for Calgarians. KCB was retained to provide engineering, geoscience, and environmental services. Construction was completed by October 2023. The flood barrier will avert potential flood damages up to 200 million dollars throughout its life-cycle.
Award of Merit: Geohazard Change Detection Research Project
About the Project:

Category: Studies, Software and Special Service
Alberta’s sustainable economic growth requires continued safe and reliable economic corridors. Transportation and Economic Corridors (TEC) manages hundreds of active geohazard sites that impact the province’s highways. Many geohazards, which include unstable soil slopes and embankments, rock falls, subgrades and retaining walls, extend beyond the highway right-of-way onto private or crown land in natural terrain, frequently in remote or inaccessible areas. Traditional monitoring techniques can be financially onerous with negative impacts on the environment and employee safety.
KCB and the University of Alberta have partnered to establish a research program aimed at enhancing TEC’s geohazard management strategy. The research focuses on the evaluation of geohazard monitoring techniques, enhancement of risk management practices, reduction of environmental footprint, and reduction of impacts outside the highway right-of-way.