KCB to work on the design of the Bassano Dam emergency spillway

June 18, 2015
Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. (KCB) is working in association with MPE Engineering Ltd. on the design of the proposed emergency spillway for the Bassano Dam.
The Bassano Dam was completed in 1914 and, in 1935 with the formation of the Eastern Irrigation District, the dam became the prime structure for the irrigation district for the area. The dam and canal have been in continuous operation since their construction 100 years ago. Following the June 2013 flood event, an emergency spillway was identified as a requirement to adequately protect the existing works and ensure the delivery of water to the Eastern Irrigation District.
KCB has completed the geotechnical site characterization work for all dam components, including the earth embankment, and is currently working on the final geotechnical design elements for the new spillway.