June 16, 2015

Klohn Crippen Berger has issued its third
Sustainability Report. We chose Forward Momentum as our theme for the report, which is a fitting description of our progress in economic, environmental and social aspects of our business. In previous years, we identified our focus areas and collected baseline data, gathering momentum along the way. In our third year of reporting, we were able to use that momentum to propel us forward to achieve some significant goals including attaining ISO 14001 certification and raising the profile of sustainability in our project work.
“It has been three years since we launched our Sustainability Initiative and, as with any new program, it takes time to refine our approach,” said Len Murray, President and CEO. “Shifting our point of view with an eye to sustainability allows us to identify the things we already do well, and to look for opportunities to do better.”
In 2014, KCB’s corporate service groups and committees led the charge on several initiatives, which embedded a stronger system of governance in our health & safety programs, ethics training, donations programs and environmental initiatives.
“While we continue to take steps to reduce our environmental footprint in our operations, it is in our project work where we have the opportunity to make a big positive impact. Momentum in the resource sector slowed in 2014 due to the impacts of fluctuating commodity prices. This makes our work even more important so that owners, governments, regulators and stakeholders can make informed choices about resource projects based on quality technical and practical advice,” said Len. “We will continue to look for opportunities to keep moving forward in all aspects to benefit our clients, our staff and our communities.”
Contact information:
Kathy Fowler, Manager Marketing & Sustainability
604.251.8583 /