June 28, 2013

Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB) has opened an office in Belo Horizonte, Brazil as part of its ongoing strategy to pursue international market opportunities.
The company continues to enjoy steady growth more than doubling in size over the last five years. In order to respond to the needs of our clients, KCB has expanded its operations in existing locations across Canada and in Brisbane, Australia. New offices have been opened in Perth, Australia, London, England and most recently in Toronto, Canada.
The Brazil office will serve as a base for engineering, environmental and geochemistry professionals working in the area and is currently being managed from KCB's Peru location.
Office address:
Rua Visconde de Taunay 173,
São Lucas
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
BRASIL 30240-300
Contact: Dan Etheredge,