David Mack Inducted as a 2023 EIC Fellow (FEIC)

December 22, 2022
Congratulations to David Mack, P.Eng. on his appointment to The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC)’s Fellowship for “excellence in engineering and services to the profession and to society".
David has over 40 years of experience in the civil, hydraulic, and structural designs of major water infrastructure projects, including dams and irrigation canal systems. His experience includes concept development, detailed design, tendering, and technical support during construction. He is a sought-after member of project review panels, serving on independent technical review boards for several dam and appurtenant structures projects. He has also completed numerous dam safety reviews, dam safety inspections, and failure modes and effects analyses which have helped to improve the safety of Canadian dams and dam infrastructure.
David joined KCB as Principal and Manager, Water Infrastructures, following the acquisition of his firm Mack, Slack & Associates in 2007. He was appointed Vice President, Alberta in 2018. In 2022, David was elected as a member of the KCB Board of Directors.