We take a genuine interest in our people both professionally and personally, and offer them unique opportunities to do rewarding work in a supportive environment. More than that, we’re a company that truly cares about practicing at the highest level, with sustainability and cultural awareness integrated into our approach. As a business, we act with honesty and integrity. We back our people with ongoing career development support and provide them with mentoring and the latest tools and technology to get the job done right.
Doing What We Love

Ann Wen, Vancouver
What has been the highlight of your KCB work experience thus far?
The variety of interesting projects has been the most rewarding highlight. Recently I worked on the Corrego do Feijao Dam I failure investigation, in which I participated in the review and assessment of technical data to determine the possible causes. The project was technically challenging, required close collaboration with some highly prominent engineers, and was a very rewarding experience.

David Johns, Brisbane
A small firm doing big things in challenging places
I am proud to work for KCB because it has been instrumental in defining the current standard of practice in engineering and is held in high regard by our competitors and clients alike. It punches above its weight, elevating the standards of engineering and geosciences in the process.